Service modul mining tanks
Mobiles Wartungsmodul Bergbau
Diesellagertank in Übergröße mit Thermoisolation

Thermoisolierter doppelwandiger Diesel-Tankcontainer als Spezialanfertigung inkl. Dieselreinigungsanlage in der Endmontage vor Auslieferung. The post Diesellagertank [...]

Mobiler Tankstellen Container 20 ft. ISO

Mobiler Tankstellencontainer 20 ft. ISO mit extra breitem Lagerraum für die Aufnahme von 2 Schlauchtrommeln [...]


Die Containertankanlage (Spezialtank) ist ein kompakter Lagertank für die verschiedensten Medien. Sie ist mit einem [...]

Data Centre World Frankfurt 2024

Krampitz Tanksystem GmbH auf der Data Centre World Frankfurt. Am 22.05.+23.05.2024 findet in Frankfurt die [...]

Flacher Lagertankcontainer

Flacher doppelwandiger 40 ft. Lagertankcontainer vor der Auslieferung. Sub base tank zur Aufnahme von bspw. [...]

Dieseltank Lagertank oversized

doppelwandiger Lagertankcontainer, Spezialanfertigung inkl. Dieselreinigungsanlage, Volumen: 40.000 Liter, L x B x H: 5.990mm x [...]

UNITI expo 14.-16.05.2024

Besuchen Sie uns vom 14.05.-16.05.2024 auf der UNITI expo | Messe Stuttgart! Wir beraten direkt [...]

Extraflacher Lagertank KTD-FL

Flache doppelwandige Kraftstofflagertanks KTD-FL aus Edelstahl oder Stahl zur Versorgung von Maschinen und Aggregaten mit [...]

Krampitz doppelwandige Lagertanks KTD

  Unsere doppelwandigen Lagertanks KTD sind aus Edelstahl oder Stahl mit Innenbeschichtung. Sie dienen zur [...]

HVO 100 Diesel in Deutschland, Prognose und Tankstellennetz

HVO 100 Diesel, auch als Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil 100 bekannt, gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung auf [...]


Fuel supply

  • 1 x extraction point for diesel approx. 200 l/min, consisting of: top-class dispensing valve type Wiggins – dry clutch, hose length 15 m
  • 1 x extraction point for diesel approx. 80 l/min, consisting of: dispensing valve type ZVA, hose length 10 m
  • conveyor – high-quality industrial gear pump of a renowned German manufacturer
  • automatic operated hose reel spring-actuated, i.e. the hose is rolled up automatically by spring power

dry clutch - type Wiggins dispensing valve - type ZVA fuel gauge and switch for diesel system cooling water-dispensing nozzle

Supply with oils and cooling water

  • oil and cooling water dispensing nozzle with swivel joint and anti-drip nozzle
  • electrically powered oil and cooling water pumps
  • 1 x extraction point for engine oil approx. 13 l/min, hose length 10 m
  • 1 x extraction point for hydraulic oil approx. 13 l/min, hose length 10 m
  • 1 x extraction point for cooling water approx. 13 l/min, hose length 10 m

Supply with lubricating greases

  • grease guns with reinforced hose and 4-jaw socket
  • pneumatically powered grease pumps
  • 2 x extraction points for two different greases, each about 6-8 kg/min, hose length 10 m each
  • or 50 kg fat with an open discharge in 6 minutes

content displays and switches for oil- and cooling water systems generator on maintenance position integrated day tank for generator generator set control

Power supply of the transport tank container by:
a.) its own power generator (diesel Gen-Set) for autarkic isolated operation

  • electrical continuous power rating about 13 kW
  • three-cylinder diesel engine, water-cooled design
  • alternating current generator, single bearing version,
  • generator niche with sound insulation, air fl ow, exhaust pipe and exhaust silencer
  • generator’s maintenance, easy and comfortable with extending platform with integrated day tank, approx. 100 l
  • control for generators integrated into electrical niche

b.) alternatively: connection to the public power supply system

exhaust silencer for container roof air compressor compressed air connections compressed air - manometer indicator

Compressed-air supply

  • transport tank container is equipped with air compressor
  • switch for air compressors and compressed air connections installed in dispensing niche

Air compressor:
a.) primary task:

  • supply of pneumatic grease pumps with needed air

b.) secondary tasks:

  • resetting tire pressure
  • cleaning dustfi lter with compressed air
  • automatic refi ll of the compressed air tank

on site - directly at the machines